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Bethany has loved adventures in the outdoors since she was small. Growing up on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides means that she is never deterred from being outside by any weather, especially the rain and wind (Lewis is the windiest place in the UK!) When she lived there she greatly enjoyed rambles in the Castle woods, making friends with the local sheep and days exploring the many beautiful beaches the island has to offer. Since moving to Edinburgh she has explored many of the green spaces nearby and loves the new adventures they bring. Through DofE and Guide camps, she has developed a love of outdoor fire cooking and has become a (self proclaimed) master s’mores maker. Through her work for Earth Calling, she loves helping the kids work on their bushcraft skills and form their own love for adventures in the wild. Her favourite types of clubs involve visits to the local rivers (especially ones with a chance to have a splash in them).

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